Law Law2017-03-09 07:00:332018-01-05 13:02:54Recent Court Case Might Not Be Just for the Birds Law Law2015-02-26 15:44:382016-09-23 10:36:23Don’t Get Bitten by Pet Liability
Pets and Estate Planning
/in Animal Law, Blog, Estate Planning /by CCLM LawWhen we think about estate planning, we generally focus on our family and friends, but what about our pets that may outlive us?
Recent Court Case Might Not Be Just for the Birds
/in Animal Law, Blog /by CCLM LawQ: I raise wild birds for sale as pets on my property. Can I qualify for an agricultural tax exemption for my property?
Emotional Support Animals
/in Animal Law, Blog /by Dan RichQ: What is an emotional support animal, and how does it differ from a service animal?
Animal Cruelty
/in Animal Law, Blog /by CCLM LawQ: It appears animal cruelty is on the rise. What laws are in place to protect these animals?
Don’t Get Bitten by Pet Liability
/in Animal Law, Blog /by CCLM LawQ: What is my liability if my dog bites someone?